Fun Facts About The Nebulae

Did you know that The Orion Nebula is the closest one to the Earth? Have you heard that Nebulae are also known as "Stellar Nurseries" because stars are born in them? The nebulae outside the Milky Way are referred to as extra-galactic nebulae. Want to know more? Read here.

Creepy Facts About The Space

Space is not always all happy and rainbows. It holds some disturbing secrets on it's own. Read at your own risk.

PPDB SMPK Santa Maria II Malang Tahun 2023/2024

Smpk Santa Maria II Malang adalah sekolah standar nasional yang statusnya terakreditasi " A" Pada tanggal 1 September 2022, Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru untuk tahun 2023/2024 sudah dibuka. Berikut selengkapnya.

Laporan Ujian Praktek Prakarya/TIK Kinanti 9E/17

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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Laporan Ujian Praktek Prakarya/TIK Kinanti 9E/17

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Monday, September 5, 2022

PPDB SMPK Santa Maria II Malang Tahun 2023/2024

Smpk Santa Maria II Malang adalah sekolah standar nasional yang statusnya terakreditasi " A" Pada tanggal 1 September 2022, Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru untuk tahun 2023/2024 sudah dibuka. Berikut kerinciannya.

Digambar diatas terdapat beberapa jalur masuk, mulai dari Jalur Prestasi, Gelombang 1, 2, dan 3.

Digambar tersebut terdapat list ekstrakurikuler dan pendapat juga testimoni dari alumni-alumni yang pernah bersekolah disini.

Dan yang tertakhir, digambar itu terdapat informasi mengenai visi misi, informasi pendaftaran, juga berbagai prestasi yang telah diraih anak-anak berbakat SMPK Santa Maria II Malang ini.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Creepy Facts About The Space

Outer Space can be considered an absolute horror show of unending blackness extraordinarily hostile to life. There are simply a lot of weird things about space. Of all the creepy things about space and the universe, here are some of the most unsettling. 

1. Chunks Of The Milky Way Galaxy Are Being Sucked Away


Something unidentified, LARGER than anything in the known universe, is sucking portions of the Milky Way galaxy , AKA our home, away. In 2009, researchers found a cluster of galaxies moving at an extraordinary speed towards a small patch of sky between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. 

2. The Night Sky Will Someday Be Completely Black 


As the Milky Way Galaxy continues to merge with its neighboring galaxies, the view of the night sky from Earth will change dramatically. The speedy expansion will eventually pull the galaxies apart faster than the speed of light, eliminating the distinctive products of the big bang and nullifying points of reference for expansion measurement.

3. Meteors Can Strike Earth With No Warning


In 2013, a meteorite exploded over the Russian region of Chelyabinsk. About 400 people were injured, with most injuries caused by broken glass resulting from the explosion. Conflicting reports hypothesized that the missile was either a part of a meteor shower or a single meteorite. 

4. A Giant Black Hole Hurls Through Space At Five Million Miles Per Hour


The Hubble Space Telescope located a black hole in 2017 that is being manipulated by gravitational waves. The black hole - capable of devouring anything in its path - will eventually break free its own galaxy and begin to roam the universe.

5. Gamma - Ray Burst Can Destroy Planets


Gamma-Ray burst, giant explosions in distant galaxies that send out waves of gamma rays, are capable of destroying entire planets if their properties are pointed directly at the planet in question. Despite such a horrifying scenario, Earth is relatively safe.





Written by: Kinanti A Putri 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Fun Facts About The Nebulae

Nebula's size ranges from millions of miles to hundreds of light-years in diameter. Here's some interesting facts you might have not known yet. 

What is a Nebula?

Nebulae are majestic objects that look like colorful clouds. They are made of hydrogen, helium, interstellar ice, and other gasses. Initially, the label "nebula" was used to describe all of the diffused astronomical objects, even galaxies.

How do the Nebula form?

Nebulae are created in the interstellar medium, and they are the result of gasses breakdown. When gas, hydrogen, helium,ions,particles, and electrons particles clump together, they form a nebulae. They are very important.

Why are Nebulae important?

Nebulae are very important "clouds" in interstellar space. They can create stars,
planets, and even entire solar systems. Nebulae were a thing before the concept of galaxies. Therefore, nebulae are very important for the branch of astronomy, being a reference point for later discoveries.

Fun facts about Nebulae:

A dark nebula is very dense. It's seem to be obscured. An example of a dark nebula is the Horsehead Nebula.
- The Helix Nebula is the closest one to Earth.
- The nebulae outside the Milky Way are referred to as extra-galactic nebulae.
-  Nebulae are also known as "Stellar Nurseries" , because stars are born in them.

-  In about 5 billion years from now, our Sun will become a nebula.

 Written by: Kinanti A Putri


Laporan Ujian Praktek Prakarya/TIK Kinanti 9E/17

 Latar belakang Untuk pelaksaan ujian praktek pada 7 Desember 2022 yang lebih tepatnya ujian praktek TIK, saya membuat poster tentang ajakan...